Hehe..aneh pan aye nanyanye?? Gara-garanye ni aye abis dengerin all tracks di albumye coldplay, pipa la pida (hehe gag ding, viva la vida and the deaths and all his friends), emang ude agak lame si, tapi dulu pan ‘ngeh’nya cuman ama violet hills ame viva la vida doang. Nah abis dengerin semue tracknya ada satu nyang bner-bner ear-catching bgt, ngena bgt dah tu lagu di kuping awam aye, tittled 42. He eh 42. Kog bisa ada judul kyk gt? Lalu mulai aye selami liriknye nyang ternyata serem (tentang kematian gitu sodare, jadi keinget ame akang Gerrard Way nyang juga inspired by the death gara-gara ngeliat tragedy 9/11..).
Kang Chris Martin mule nyanyi ni:
Those who are dead are not dead
They?re just living my head
And since I fell for that spell
I am living in as well, oh
Time is so short and I’m sure
There must be something more
Those who are dead are not dead
They’re just living my head, oh
And since I fell for that spell
I am living there as well, oh
Time is so short and I’m sure
There must be something more
You thought you might be a ghost
You thought you might be a ghost
You didn’t get to heaven but you made it close
You didn’t get to heaven but you made it close
You thought you might be a ghost
You thought you might be a ghost
You didn’t get to heaven but you made it close
You didn’t get to heaven but you, oh, oh, oh, oh
Those who are dead are not dead
They’re just living my head, oh
They?re just living my head
And since I fell for that spell
I am living in as well, oh
Time is so short and I’m sure
There must be something more
Those who are dead are not dead
They’re just living my head, oh
And since I fell for that spell
I am living there as well, oh
Time is so short and I’m sure
There must be something more
You thought you might be a ghost
You thought you might be a ghost
You didn’t get to heaven but you made it close
You didn’t get to heaven but you made it close
You thought you might be a ghost
You thought you might be a ghost
You didn’t get to heaven but you made it close
You didn’t get to heaven but you, oh, oh, oh, oh
Those who are dead are not dead
They’re just living my head, oh
dari hasil pencarian gag penting nyang ude aye lakuin, hasilnye:
1. “…Ra ngerti, lha emang ngono og. Gene kok yo enek judule “yellow” kui ngopo?”
(temen aye nyang seneng ame coldplay, rambutnye aje uda inspired by him,hehe, tidak memberi jawaban)
2. Dear fellow posters on metro lyrics, I know all of you are having trouble understanding 42s lyrics and why it twas named 42 but I have no trouble in giving you all my opinion and thoughts. I myself need to understand everything as I come across it like most of you it's a sickness really. So 42's lyrics really means death isn't really an end and you can be sure of that , time is so short that you can't even call it life there's got to be more and you know you going to go somewhere might not be heaven might not be he'll might not be a ghost but you know it's somewhere cause you know it's not over. 42s name may be as relevent as the Mona Lisa smile or just a mystery that coldplay hopes we'll figure out in the future.
(nyang ni dari Ola Matagi, ngasi comment di metrolyrics, agak susa masuk di otak aye nyang gag ada filosofi-filosofinye, trus ape hubungannye ame Monalisa’s smile? Tapi dari semue comment nyang ade this one is the best).
3. The answer is in the lyrics and most importantly in the math, why 42? well its pretty obvious to me, 4x2=8 and what do you get when you lay down the number 8? you get the universal symbol for infinity. He's figured out that we are trapped in this "reality" and we will only be free when we die. We will be trapped for infinity but infinity ends when we die.
(dari nahua, soo detail ato mungkin nahua dosen math kali sodare, pake perkalian, ajib dah, wadu rumit bgt bkin lagu pake itung-itungan)
Apa yaa…(dg logat iklan susu nyang ada tokoh Cilla ntu..lagi happening bgt di murai sistah), it’s always interesting to know lot of opinion about what 42 really meaning. Yaah at least abis baca pendapat orang-orang tadi aye kagak mikir kalo isi tu lagu tu pengen mati di usia 42 ato uda mati di taon 42 gtu. The lyris I like the most was “Time is so short and I’m sure,There must be something more”.
Soo, segera berbuat kebaikan sebelum habis waktu kita.
“…Sesungguhnya rahmat Allah sangat dekat kepada orang yang berbuat kebaikan…”
(Q.S. Al A’raf:56)
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